Verona, VR 37129, Italy
+39 045 8028157

Selected publications

Helmet for EMOTions

In this page you can find some selected publications related to HEMOT®, PrEmT and PandHEMOT® projects.

Books and ebooks

  • Raccanello, D., & Vicentini, G. (2022). Psicologia dell’emergenza in età evolutiva. Dall’infanzia all’adolescenza. Il Mulino. ISBN: 9788815298737
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., & Burro, R. (2021). Prevenzione emotiva e terremoti: Linee guida per la realizzazione di un training nella scuola primaria. Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università degli Studi di Verona; HEMOT.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2021). Emozioni e pandemia. Come aiutare bambini e adolescenti a gestire le emozioni durante e dopo una pandemia [Ebook]. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 9788838655081
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (Eds.). (2021). Prevenzione emotiva e terremoti. Un percorso per bambini. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-88-386-9963-4

Scientific articles and chapters

  • Raccanello, D., Burro, R., Aristovnik, A., Ravšelj, D., Umek, L., Vicentini, G., Hall, R., Buizza, C., Buzdar, M., Chatterjee, S., Cucari, N., Dobrowolska, B., Ferreira-Oliveira, A., França, T., Ghilardi, A., Inasius, F., Kar, S., Karampelas, K., Kuzyshyn, A., Lazăr, F., et al. (2024). Coping and emotions during the Ukraine war: A multi-country survey among higher education students indirectly exposed to the conflict. Scientific Reports, 14, 8561.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2023). Can a web application foster emotional competence in children and adolescents? The case of PandHEMOT®. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(2), 672–695.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2023). Disastri, prevenzione, preparazione. Un modello psicologico per promuovere la resilienza. Risk Elaboration, 6(1), 16–30.
  • Burro, R., Vicentini, G., & Raccanello, D. (2023). Big Five personality traits and coping strategies of Italian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic first wave. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1150674.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2023). Preparing children to cope with earthquakes: Building emotional competence. British Journal of Psychology, 114(4), 871–907.
  • Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Vicentini, G., Hall, R., & Brondino, M. (2023). Coping strategies and psychological maladjustment/adjustment: A meta-analytic approach with children and adolescents exposed to natural disasters. Child & Youth Care Forum, 52, 25–63.
  • Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., Vicentini, G., & Brondino, M. (2023). Eighteen months of COVID-19 pandemic through the lenses of self or others: A meta-analysis on children and adolescents’ mental health. Child & Youth Care Forum, 52, 737–760.
  • Rocca, E., Burro, R., Carradore, M., Lonardi, C., Vicentini, G., & Raccanello, D. (2023). Interviews about pandemics and protective measures: Studying key informants’ representation to develop a web-application for fostering children and adolescents’ resilience. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 28(8), 2058–2072.
  • Vicentini, G., Burro, R., Rocca, E., Lonardi, C., Hall, R., & Raccanello, D. (2022). Development and evaluation of psychoeducational resources for adult carers to emotionally support young people impacted by wars: A community case study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 995232.
  • Raccanello, D., Gobbo, C., Corona, L., De Bona, G., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2022). Long-term intergenerational transmission of memories of the Vajont disaster. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14(7), 1107–1116.
  • Raccanello, D., Balbontín-Alvarado, R., Bezerra, D. d. S., Burro, R., Cheraghi, M., Dobrowolska, B., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Faris, M. E., França, T., González-Fernández, B., Hall, R., Inasius, F., Kar, S. K., Keržič, D., Lazányi, K., Lazăr, F., Machin-Mastromatteo, J. D., Marôco, J., Marques, B. P., Mejía-Rodríguez, O., et al. (2022). Higher education students’ achievement emotions and their antecedents in e-learning amid COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey. Learning and Instruction, 80, 101629.
  • Keržič, D., Alex, J. K., Balbontín-Alvarado, R., Bezerra, D. d. S., Cheraghi, M., Dobrowolska, B., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Faris., M. E., França, T., González-Fernández, B., Gonzalez-Robledo, L. M., Inasius, F., Kar, S. K., Lazányi, K., Lazăr, F., Machin-Mastromatteo, J. D., Marôco, J., Marques, B. P., Mejía-Rodríguez, O., Méndez Prado, S. M., et al. (2021). Academic student satisfaction and perceived performance in the e-learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from an international survey. PLoS One, 16(10), e0258807. journal.pone.0258807
  • Burro, R., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Hall, R., & Raccanello, D. (2021). Development and validation of the Robust – Pandemic Coping Scale (R-PCS). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 725344.
  • Raccanello, D., & Hall, R. (2021). An intervention promoting understanding of achievement emotions with middle school students. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36(3), 759–780.
  • Raccanello, D., Barnaba, V., Rocca, E., Vicentini, G., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2021). Adults’ expectations on children’s earthquake-related emotions and coping strategies. Psychology, Health & Medicine26(5), 571–583.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2021). Digital skills, self-efficacy and emotions: Impact of Covid-19 on Italian university students. In N. Tomaževič, D. Ravšelj, & A. Aristovnik (Eds.), Higher education policies for developing digital skills to respond to the Covid-19 crisis: European and global perspectives (pp. 32–44). European Liberal Forum. ISBN: 978-2-39067-005-6
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the academic and emotional life of higher education students in Italy. In N. Tomaževič & D. Ravšelj (Eds.), Higher education students and COVID-19: Consequences and policy implications (pp. 11–16). European Liberal Forum.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2020). Development and early implementation of a public communication campaign to help adults to support children and adolescents to cope with coronavirus-related emotions: A community case study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2184.
  • Vicentini, G., Brondino, M., Burro, R., & Raccanello, D. (2020). HEMOT®, Helmet for EMOTions: A web application for children on earthquake-related emotional prevention. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1241, 10–19.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Florit, E., & Burro, R. (2020). Factors promoting learning with a web application on earthquake-related emotional preparedness in primary school. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 621.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Brondino, M., & Burro, R. (2020). Technology-based trainings on emotions: A web application on earthquake-related emotional prevention with children. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 1007, 53–61.
  • Raccanello, D., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2020). Can emojis mean “Earthquake”? Applied Ergonomics, 89, 103214.
  • Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Dal Corso, E., Burro, R., & Raccanello, D. (2019). Uno studio pilota su Prevenzione Emotiva e Terremoti nella scuola primaria (progetto PrEmT): Come potenziare le strategie di regolazione delle emozioni. In L. Castelli, J. Marcionetti, A. Plata, & A. Ambrosetti (Eds.), Well-being in Education Systems. Conference abstract book. Locarno 2019 (pp. 217–221). Bern: Hogrefe. ISBN: 978-3-456-86026-8
  • Burro, R., Raccanello, D., & Pasini, M. (2019). Emojis’ psychophysics: Measuring emotions in technology enhanced learning contexts. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 804, 70–78.
  • Raccanello, D., Brondino, M., Moè, A., Stupnisky, R., & Lichtenfeld, S. (2019). Enjoyment, boredom, anxiety in elementary schools in two domains: Relations with achievement. The Journal of Experimental Education, 87(3), 449–469.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2019). Children’s psychological representation of earthquakes: Analysis of written definitions and Rasch scaling. Geosciences, 9(5), 208.
  • Burro, R., Raccanello, D., Pasini, M., & Brondino, M. (2018). An estimation of a nonlinear dynamic process using Latent Class extended Mixed Models. Affect profiles after terrorist attacks. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, & Life Sciences, 22(1), 35–52.
  • Raccanello, D., Burro, R., Brondino, M., & Pasini, M. (2018). Relevance of terrorism for Italian students not directly exposed to it: The affective impact of the 2015 Paris and the 2016 Brussels attacks. Stress and Health, 34(2), 338–343.
  • Raccanello, D., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2018). Salience of primary and secondary school students’ achievement emotions and perceived antecedents: Interviews on literacy and mathematics domains. Learning and Individual Differences, 65(7), 65–79.
  • Gennari, R., Melonio, A., Raccanello, D., Brondino, M., Dodero, G., Pasini, M., & Torello, S. (2017). Children’s emotions and quality of products in participatory game design. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 101, 45–61.
  • Raccanello, D., Burro, R., & Hall, R. (2017). Children’s emotional experience two years after an earthquake: An exploration of knowledge of earthquakes and associated emotions. PLoS One, 12(12), e0189633.
  • Raccanello, D., & Gobbo, C. (2015). Understanding coexistence of internal states in children and adults. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 12(2), 158–176.
  • Raccanello, D., Brondino, M., & De Bernardi, B. (2013). Achievement emotions in elementary, middle, and high school: How do students feel about specific contexts in terms of settings and subject-domains? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(6), 477–484.
  • Gobbo, C., & Raccanello, D. (2011). Personal narratives about states of suffering and wellbeing: Children’s conceptualization in terms of physical and psychological domain. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25(3), 386–394.
  • Gobbo, C., & Raccanello, D. (2007). How children narrate happy and sad events: Does affective state count? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 21(9), 1173–1190.

Scientific conferences

  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rizzolo, R., & Burro, R. (2024, September 23–24). Disastri, prevenzione ed emozioni: Le iniziative del Centro di Ricerca in Psicologia HEMOT [Paper presentation]. Conferenza “Le Scienze umane e sociali per il sistema di Protezione Civile”, Dipartimento di Protezione Civile e Fondazione CIMA, Roma, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Burro, R., Rizzolo, R., & Raccanello, D. (2024, September 23–24). Psicoeducazione e disastri: Campagne di comunicazione pubblica per la gestione delle emozioni di bambini/e e adolescenti [Poster presentation]. Conferenza “Le Scienze umane e sociali per il sistema di Protezione Civile”, Dipartimento di Protezione Civile e Fondazione CIMA, Roma, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Burro, R., Aristovnik, A., Ravšelj, D., Umek, L., Vicentini, G., Hall, R., Buizza, C., Buzdar, M., Chatterjee, S., Cucari, N., Dobrowolska, B., Ferreira-Oliveira, A., França, T., Ghilardi, A., Inasius, F., Kar, S., Karampelas, K., Kuzyshyn, A., Lazăr, F., et al. (2024, September 19–21). Coping and emotions during the Ukraine war: A multi-country survey among higher education students indirectly exposed to the conflict [Paper presentation]. XXXVI Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Cagliari, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Burro, R., & Raccanello, D. (2024, August 28–30). A training on emotional competence with adolescents: Efficacy and role of personality [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Motivation, ICM, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Trifiletti, E., & Burro, R. (2023, September 25–27). Personalità, emozioni di riuscita e benessere a scuola [Paper presentation]. XXXV Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Foggia, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Burro, R., Rocca, E., & Raccanello, D. (2023, September 25–27). Un intervento per promuovere la competenza emotiva nella scuola secondaria di primo grado. In A. Baroncelli & V. Grazia (Chairs), Coltivare le relazioni a scuola: Ricerche e interventi per promuovere lo sviluppo emotivo e relazionale in alunni e insegnanti [Symposium]. XXXV Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Foggia, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Moè, A., Lichtenfeld, S., & Burro, R. (2023, August 22–26). The Robust Implicit Beliefs about Emotions Scale (R-IBES). In M. Huber (Chair), Measuring emotions in education – possibilities and limits of new approaches [Symposium]. 20th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Conference, EARLI, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., & Burro, R. (2023, August 22–26). COVID-19 and university students: Development of the Robust – Pandemic Coping Scale (R-PCS) [Paper presentation]. 20th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Conference, EARLI, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Vicentini, G., Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., & Burro, R. (2023, August 22–26). PandHEMOT®: An app for children and adolescents to foster pandemic-related emotional competence [Poster presentation]. 20th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Conference, EARLI, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., & Burro R. (2022, September 27–30). PandHEMOT: An evidence-based training to increase children and adolescents’ knowledge on pandemics and emotions [Paper presentation]. XXX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Padova, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., & Burro R. (2022, September 27–30). Metacognitive knowledge and class level differences in a multimedia reading task: The PandHEMOT app. In E. Florit & D. Raccanello (Chairs), Digital text comprehension and metacognition: From primary school to university students [Symposium]. XXX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Padova, Italy.
  • Lonardi, C., Carradore, M., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Burro, R., & Raccanello, D. (2022, August 25–27). PandHEMOT project: A secondary analysis of the meaning of health [Paper presentation]. 19th Biennial European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Conference, ESHMS, Bologna, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Lonardi, C., Carradore, M., Rocca, E., & Burro, R. (2022, August 25–27). Stakeholders and experts’ opinion for developing a web-application for children and adolescents during pandemics [Paper presentation]. 19th Biennial European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Conference, ESHMS, Bologna, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Raccanello, D., Florit, E., Barnaba, V., Rocca, E., Dal Corso, E., & Burro, R. (2022, August 24–26). A web application on earthquake-related emotional preparedness: The role of achievement emotions [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Motivation, ICM, Dresden, Germany.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2022, June 19–23). Addressing adults to support children and adolescents to cope with pandemic-related emotions: A public communication campaign [Poster presentation]. 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, ISSBD, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Lonardi, C., Carradore, M., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2022, June 19–23). Preliminary data on PandHEMOT: An evidence-based web-application to promote children and adolescents’ resilience during pandemics [Poster presentation]. 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, ISSBD, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Vicentini, G., Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., & Burro, R. (2022, June 19–23). An evidence-based training to enhance earthquake-related behavioural preparedness and emotional competence [Poster presentation]. 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, ISSBD, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Dal Corso, E., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2021, October 27). Emozioni e COVID-19: Iniziative del progetto HEMOT® (Helmet for EMOTions) per bambini, adolescenti e adulti [Paper presentation]. Seconda Giornata della Terza Missione del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università di Verona, Verona, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2021, September 20–22). L’impatto della pandemia da COVID-19 sugli studenti universitari: Autoefficacia, ansia ed emozioni di riuscita [Poster presentation]. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Bari, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2021, September 20–22). Presentazione del volume “Prevenzione emotiva e terremoti. Un percorso per bambini” [Book presentation]. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Bari, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., & Burro, R. (2021, September 20–22). Un training evidence-based con lettura digitale: Apprendere nel progetto “Prevenzione Emotiva e Terremoti nella scuola primaria” (PrEmT). In C. Tarchi (Chair), Alfabetizzazione digitale: Interagire con testi all’interno di contesti [Symposium]. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Bari, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Stanzani, S., & Burro, R. (2021, May 28). Fronteggiare eventi stressanti nel servizio sociale. Emozioni, strategie di coping e pandemia [Conference session]. Webinar di studi sul lavoro sociale “#Andrà tutto … Reazioni alla pandemia. Sguardi secondo la prospettiva del servizio sociale”, Comune di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università di Verona, Ordine degli Assistenti Sociali del Veneto, Verona, Italy.
  • Burro, R., Vicentini, G., & Raccanello, D. (2020, November 2). Conseguenze psicologiche del COVID-19: Monitoraggio, misurazione e intervento [Keynote address]. Seminario interdisciplinare “Le conseguenze comunicative, sociali, psicologiche e pedagogiche del Covid-19: Problemi e prospettive”, University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., & Burro, R. (2020, October 14). COVID-19 and selected aspects of higher education policy – case of Italy. Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on academic and emotional life of higher educational students in Italy [Paper presentation]. Zoom Workshop with Webinar and Roundtable: “Higher Education Students and COVID-19: Consequences and Policy Implications”, European Liberal Forum, ELF, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Vicentini, G., Brondino, M., Burro, R., & Raccanello, D. (2020, October 7–9). HEMOT®, Helmet for EMOTions: A web application for children on earthquake-related emotional prevention [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, L’Aquila, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Vicentini, G., Barnaba, V., Rocca, E., & Burro, R. (2020, September 15–16). Coronavirus e studenti universitari: Costruzione di una scala per quantificare le strategie di coping in caso di pandemia [Poster presentation]. Giornate di Studio “Emergenza Covid-19. Ricadute evolutive ed educative” AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Bari, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Hall, R., & Burro, R. (2020, September 15–16). Campagna di comunicazione pubblica su coronavirus, emozioni e strategie di coping: Un opuscolo per supportare bambini e adolescenti [Poster presentation]. Giornate di Studio “Emergenza Covid-19. Ricadute evolutive ed educative” AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Bari, Italy.
  • Brondino, M., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., Vicentini, G., & Raccanello, D. (2020, January 29). Progetto PrEmT – Quali strategie di coping sono efficaci in caso di disastri naturali? Una meta-analisi su bambini e adolescenti [Poster presentation]. Prima Giornata della Terza Missione del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Burro, R., Brondino, M., Pasini, M., Vicentini, G., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., & Dal Corso, E. (2020, January 29). Progetto PrEmT – Prevenzione Emotiva e Terremoti nella scuola primaria [Paper presentation]. Prima Giornata della Terza Missione del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università di Verona, Verona, Italia.
  • Vicentini, G., Barnaba, V., Rocca, E., Dal Corso, E., Burro, R., & Raccanello, D. (2019, November 12–14). Uno studio pilota su Prevenzione Emotiva e Terremoti nella scuola primaria (progetto PrEmT): Come potenziare le strategie di regolazione delle emozioni [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Well-being in Education Systems, Locarno, Switzerland.
  • Brondino, M., Rocca, E., Barnaba, V., & Vicentini, G. (2019, September 23–25). Disastri naturali e strategie di coping: Una meta-analisi su bambini e adolescenti [Poster presentation]. XXXII Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Naples, Italy.
  • Vicentini, G., Barnaba, V., Rocca, E., Dal Corso, E., Florit, E., Burro, R., & Raccanello, D. (2019, September 23–25). Leggere nella scuola del XXI secolo: Una web application per la prevenzione emotiva legata ai terremoti (Progetto PrEmT). In C. Tarchi (Chair), Leggere e comprendere testi nella società del XXI secolo [Symposium]. XXXII Congresso Nazionale AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Naples, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Barnaba, V., & Burro, R. (2019, August 29–September 1). Adults’ representation of children’s emotions and coping strategies related to earthquakes [Paper presentation]. 19th European Congress of Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece.
  • Raccanello, D., Rocca, E., & Brondino, M. (2019, August 29–September 1). Disaster-related coping strategies: A meta-analysis on children [Paper presentation]. 19th European Congress of Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece.
  • Ferronato, M., & Raccanello, D. (2017, September 14–16). Emozioni in parole: Un intervento sulla conoscenza delle emozioni di riuscita nella scuola secondaria di primo grado [Poster presentation]. XXX Congresso AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Messina, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Burro, R., Brondino, M., & Pasini, M. (2016, September 20–22). Impatto emotivo degli attentati terroristici (Parigi 2015 e Bruxelles 2016) su studenti universitari italiani [Poster presentation]. XXII Congresso AIP, Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, Rome, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., Burro, R., Cappello, M., Caprara, D., Cavazza, P., & Mazzola, F. (2016, September 8–10). Che cos’è un terremoto? Conoscenze dei bambini che hanno vissuto il terremoto del 2012 in Emilia Romagna [Poster presentation]. XXIX Congresso AIP, Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Vicenza, Italy.
  • Raccanello, D., & Ferronato, M. (2016, August 24–27). An intervention program promoting abilities to recognize and use psychological lexicon on achievement emotions with secondary school students [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference on Motivation, The odyssey to the Ithaca of learning: Motivated persons, challenging contexts, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Raccanello, D., Cappello, M., Caprara, D., Cavazza, P., Mazzola, F., & Facco, L. (2015, July 7–10). Emotions associated with earthquakes two years later: The role of personal experience and age for primary school children [Paper presentation]. 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.
  • Gobbo, C., Corona, L., De Bona, G., & Raccanello, D. (2007, November 8–9). Disastro del Vajont: Causalità nei racconti di alcuni sopravvissuti [Poster presentation]. International Conference: Physical and psychological consequences of extreme traumatic experiences, Longarone (BL), Italy.